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2-1-1 INformation


2-1-1 is a universally recognized number that enables a critical connection between individuals and families in need and the appropriate community-based organizations and government agencies. Active 211 systems cover the majority of the 50 states and connects thousands of callers to customized health, housing, and human services information, Monday – Friday, 8:00AM-4:00PM (eastern time) and is a one-stop resource to find information about resources available to those in need.


2-1-1 conversations are confidential, can be made anonymously, and callers can request translation services for 180 languages. 211 is available to anyone regardless of race, color, religion, language, sex, national origin, immigration status, political affiliation, marital status, disability, age, or many other factors.

We are a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) agency committed to abuse prevention and to breaking the patterns of abuse. It is the agency’s goal to empower victims to take control of their lives and to make the best choices for themselves and their children.  Our service area includes the central Pennsylvania counties of Union, Snyder and Northumberland.


The official registration and financial information of Transitions may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Transitions is a 501 (c)(3) effective August 5, 1981.


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