contact us

Are you concerned that someone might discover you visited our website?
*Read some of our web surfing and privacy tips below:
• After writing and sending an email, go into your "Drafts" and "Sent Items" folders to be sure a copy of the email you just sent isn't available for viewing - select and delete your email. Empty your trash folder.
• After surfing the internet, in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, click on "Tools" in the menu bar (located near the top of the browser page); select "Delete Browsing History." If this option isn't available under "Tools," you can clear your browsing history in "Internet Options" found on you computer's "Control Panel," found by clicking the "Start" button on the lower left corner of your computer screen (computers running Windows).
• If you use a Mac computer running Safari as your web browser, open the browser, go to the "History" menu and select "Clear History" under the pull down menu.
• If you use a different web browser, you should use the browser's "Help" option to learn how to delete your browsing history.
Union County Office:
(570) 523-6482
Education/ Administration:
(570) 523-1134
Snyder County Office:
(570) 374-7773
Northumberland County Office: (570) 644-4488
PO BOX 170
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Chief Executive Officer:
Mae-Ling Kranz
Programs Director:
Outreach Coordinator:
The Internet is not a secure communications medium, and we can not guarantee that any individual message you send us is truly private. To the extent allowed by law, confidentiality will be granted to any communication you send us via the Internet. If you need to communicate with us concerning a confidential matter, please use the numbers at the top of the website pages to contact us by telephone from a safe place.
Internet Safety Notice: