Training for criminal justice professionals
Lethality Assessment Program
The Lethality Assessment Program is a nationally recognized, evidence-based program with demonstrated success in connecting victims of domestic violence with lifesaving services, reducing fatalities and strengthening partnerships between law enforcement and domestic violence service providers.
Officers are trained to use a screening tool with the abused partner at a scene and connect high-risk victims with the Transitions hotline counselor immediately. The counselor works with the victim to create a safety plan and encourages the victim to come to the program for services. Using shelter services leads to a 60 to 70 percent reduction in incidence and severity of re-assault.
LAP was field tested to determine whether law enforcement and advocates found it user-friendly. Eighty-four percent of officers and 95 percent of advocates said that LAP screening and referral was “very” or “fairly” easy to do.
Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse:
Knowing Your Role in the Protection of Children
Approved by the Departments of Human Services, Education, and State, this training is eligible for Act 48 hours and meets the requirements for training under Act 126. This training also includes continuing education for licensees in a health-related field and meets the requirements under Act 31. This training is available in a 2-hour or 3-hour format.
You will learn:
The elements of child abuse, definitions, and categories of abuse.
Your duties as a mandated reporter, including how to make a report and protections for those who report.
The connection between child abuse and neglect and long-term health outcomes.
Signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect.
How to respond to a disclosure of child abuse.
Practice scenarios to help build your confidence.

To schedule a presentation for Lethality Assessment Training,
please contact:
Heather Britton,
Legal Advocacy Coordinator