The mission of the Fairl Family Justice Center (FJC) is to promote the physical and emotional security of children and their families and to provide a safe and supportive environment for monitored custody exchanges and supervised visitations.

Monitored Custody Exchange:
The custodial party/guardian brings the kid(s) to the FJC center, where the visiting party picks up and returns the kid(s) within the building to ensure no contact between both parties. Exchanges are monitored by FJC staff members. This allows a safe and positive exchange without the risk of a negative interaction between parties.
Only guardians or other parties listed on the court order are permitted to pick up or drop off kid(s). If someone other than the parent is picking up and/or dropping off the kid(s) the other parent will be notified.
Supervised Visitation:
Visits are held at the FJC center and are monitored by FJC staff. The monitor may intervene when necessary to ensure appropriate family member/child interaction and conversation.
Our agency does not provide parenting evaluations or education.
Family centered visitation rooms equipped with toys and games for children of all ages.
The program is designed so parties have no on-site contact.
Each party will be assigned one of two entrances to FJC during orientation/intake.
Each party has a staggered arrival and departure time.
Only parties listed on the court order and/or self-referral are permitted to pick up and/or drop off kid(s)
No unsupervised time for visiting parties during scheduled visitation.
No weapons allowed on premises including Concealed to Carry.
All FJC staff have received appropriate clearances and completed required trainings in accordance with best practice, funding requirements, and regulations.
All FJC staff are mandated child abuse reporters. We are required by law to report any suspected child abuse or mistreatment to the proper authorities.
Duration of Services:
The frequency and duration of visits for any family may be determined by a judge, by stipulation between the parties’ attorneys, parental agreement, or any other referral agency.
To serve as many families as possible, visits may be scheduled for up to 2 hours per calendar week and may be split into 2 days if needed to accommodate school activities.
Services have no set end date unless stated in court order.
Costs of Services:
No cost to either party involved with the visit. (Free)
Families may be referred by:
Court/ Mediation
Children and Youth Services
Guardians' ad Litem (GAL)
Other social services agencies
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday thru Friday evenings and Saturdays
(According to availability in staff and schedule)
Holidays- The FJC may be open on select holidays based on available resources
How to get Started?
Separate intake interviews must be completed by each party before visits can be scheduled.
Intake interviews take place at the FJC center.
Program expectations, guidelines and availability are reviewed during that time.
Each party provides a copy of their current court order and/or custody agreement, PFA (if applicable), and driver’s license for their FJC file.
Contact Us:
Please leave a message with name, number and request. All messages will be returned within the next business day.
Cell: 570-490-1627
Landline: 570-495-4647
FJC Forms: