
Your financial contributions are extremely important to Transitions. Through your donations, Transitions will continue providing vital resources, shelter, advocacy, and counseling to victims of serious crime, as well as awareness and prevention education for schools, community groups, and governmental organizations.
Please consider making a donation today.
In 2023, Transitions of PA established a Development Department to address the need for more funding due to increasing number of clients and to grow and improve our existing services. We are committed to ensuring the success and sustainability of our organization, so we can meet the needs of our community now and in the future. Your investment in Transitions of PA as a donor, sponsor or volunteer offer a solution to a growing problem. You can give to Transitions with confidence knowing that every dollar goes into our direct services to help victims, survivors, families, and our communities.
The Problem: In the 2022-23 fiscal year, Transitions of PA served 2,190 individuals. Our Emergency Safe House assisted 113 guests. Our Counselors provided 6497 hours of counseling. Our Housing Department permanently housed 57 households. Legal Advocacy helped victims file 109 Protection from Abuse orders. The list goes on and the need grows. With federal and state budget cuts looming, it is important for us to be proactive about funding our current and future needs.
Donors are the Solution: Each year Transitions of PA strives to grow and improve the services provided to victims, survivors, families, and our communities. Your contributions are extremely important to the success of the work we do. Donations to Transitions of PA can be the solution to a growing problem. Here are the ways that YOU can be the solution.
Donations: Through your donations, Transitions will continue providing vital resources, shelter, advocacy, and counseling to victims of serious crime, as well as awareness and prevention education for schools, community groups, and governmental organizations. You can choose to give now toward unrestricted funds, or give later through your estate or bequests. Talk to our development staff about ways we can help you meet your philanthropic goals.
Donations in Kind: We accept new or gently used items to provide our clients with all they need as they take steps forward toward a new, safe life. Check out our wishlist to see what items we need or start a donation drive with a group or organization. Every item you donate makes a difference for someone in need.
Sponsorships: Our annual auction provides an opportunity for local businesses to support our efforts through giving levels. Your sponsorship allows us to share with supporters and stakeholders your demonstrated commitment to our cause. Talk with our development staff today about the various sponsorship levels during this year's campaign.
Our staff is here to talk with you about your philanthropic goals and how they fit with the mission and services of Transitions of PA.
Amy G. Gronlund
Development Director
Work: 570-523-1134 x102

safe house wish list
The following items are needed for our domestic violence safe houses. This list is updated frequently. Please visit our Amazon Wish List to view all items.
Please feel free to call 570-523-1134 if you have any questions. Thank you for your generosity!